Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year Rings

By Alfred Tennyson

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light;
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow;
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true

Friday, December 25, 2009

The 1st Day of Christmas


I want to bring Peace, Joy, and love

I see all that happens from heaven above

I see all your sufferings; I see all your pain

But I see when your life has been saved you complain

Yes, you’ve been lied to, tricked and deceived

But you won’t obey and refuse to believe

I keep all my promises, do what I’ve said

But given some time you treat me like I’m dead

I love you more than you can understand

Which is why I’m acting out what I have planned

You need a savior to pay for your crime

Or you will be suffering pain for all time

I love you too much to watch that fate pervade

So I hope you can recognize my One Crusade

The Knight that I’m sending refuses to lose

And He’s coming to give pure evil its dues

Confess and believe and you will be saved

From this world of pain: lost and depraved

I want you to see all the love I can bring

So I wrote this great song for the whole world to sing

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me

His only Son as a baby

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Apology

So i have some explaining to do.

I decided to change my poem from The 25 Day of Christmas to The 13 Days of Christmas. Why? A few reasons:

1. I wanted to finish this poem with the 1st Day of Christmas actually being released on Christmas Day, and at the rate i was going, that would not have happened.

2. The only reason i picked the number 25 was because i started Dec 1, and i was hoping to write one a day. I failed.

3. [All is not lost.] The meaning of the poem is wrapped up in the last stanza, which i will let you unwrap Christmas Day. Call it a present from me to you.

So until Christmas...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The 2nd Day of Christmas

The Rotten Child

Give me the world, all of it

If you don’t I’ll throw a fit

I’ll run around and I won’t sit

And I won’t even care a bit

I know I got a lot last year

But I need more now, listen here

It’s affordable with your career

I am someone you must fear

I can easily ruin your life

Make you divorce your second wife

Give you endless grief and strife

Kidnap the maid with a pocket knife

So pack my stocking good and tight

And let me stay up ‘til midnight

Remember that I am always right

Make me happy. Now get out of sight

Monday, December 21, 2009

The 3rd Day of Christmas

The Widow

My thoughts still dwell in the past

Feelings that can’t help but last

I’m no longer fully myself

And it’s slowly draining my health

He died but six years ago

And left me cold as the snow

God gave us two kids before

He took the father and more

He was my very best friend

Who vowed to be there till the end

Christmas just can’t be the same

And I’ve only myself to blame

This hurt just won’t go away

I don’t have enough words to say

I miss the sparkle in your eyes

I miss how you could clear the sky with your smile

I miss when you were by side

I’m missing all you tonight

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The 4th Day of Christmas

The Flight Attendant

Small town to DC

DC to LA

LA to Jersey

Then I take lunch break

I end in Orlando

My family is there

They’ve never seen snow

But don’t seem to care

I may have seen snow

Alaska and Rome

But there’s no place to go

That feels like home

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The 5th Day of Christmas


Today is the day. I’ve been waiting all year

To travel the world and bring Christmas cheer

All in one night I tour the whole world

Giving gifts to every good boy and good girl

I slide down the chimney, no matter the size

And unpack those gifts that are sure to surprise

I stuff all the stockings and eat a small snack

Then hop in my sleigh for the reindeer to take back

This is my purpose, and I give it my best

And my soul is fulfilled till I give it a rest

Of course rest is not what my helpers would say

They’d say rest is what they get just on Christmas day

The other spread out three-hundred-and-sixty-four

Are spent making toys, games, and candy galore

Some say I’m not real—that I can’t exist

But the imagination can throw reality a twist

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 6th Day of Christmas

The Traveler

Hi, my name is Traveler, and I need a place to rest

I’ve been walking through the snow for a month now at best

If you would share a blanket and something warm to drink

I can share my story: how I’ve made it from the brink

I left my home 2 years ago, but to my own dismay

My home is now the songs of all my stories I can play

I write a bit as well, merely words strung on a page

It brings a kind of comfort that I’ll keep to my old age

I travel all alone… but memory is not good company

I’m just a simple melody waiting for a harmony

The world keeps getting colder, but I keep the warmth inside

I have friend, to keep me warm, who suffered and then died

Also, could you let me know what day it is today?

Each day since the day I left has been one and the same

I can’t keep track of time, and I don’t know where I am

All that is familiar is from pictures of this land

But you now are a part of my story—of my life

A tool God has used to bring me further from my strife

Forever I will keep you in my memory and heart

And as I leave, I consider now a brand new start

The 7th Day of Christmas

The Lover

I love every day it gets colder outside

But I love her more and love her by my side

We bundle together and walk ‘round the block

We laugh and we flirt as we walk and we talk

I grab her hand and the fear in me dies

As I look at reflected house lights in her eyes

I take her home where our families combine

To watch It’s A Wonderful Life and then dine

It’s not the sounds or the smells that I love

It’s celebrating our Christ who came down from above

And knowing that she is celebrating as well

That is the most attractive part of her spell

Christmas with her is a song I can sing

It’s just one of the reasons why I bought the ring

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The 8th Day of Christmas

The Grandfather

The 25th has come, again Christmas is here

I think it has come much sooner this year

But each year that passes seems a little bit more

Quicker and shorter than each year before

My children have children who cannot deny

That one night a year reindeer fly in the sky

They think that a man named Santa can see

Whether or not they act good or badly

So they put out milk and cookies by the fireplace

And I grow out a long white beard just in case

I’ve practiced my “shhh” and my “ho, ho, ho”

If they wake up, there’s no way they’ll know

Life is so short, they’ll grow up before long

And to put out their imagination would be wrong

It’s healthy for kids to be kids when they’re young

They will sing better songs once the first ones are sung

The 9th Day of Christmas

The Orphan

The snow-covered ground means I can’t go outside

But the fireplace reminds me of how my folks died

The house we lived in, it went down so fast

I still hear the screaming, the burning, the blast

It’s Christmas Eve now, and tomorrow’s the day

Three years have passed since my life passed by away

Oh, what I would give for a mom or a dad

Then life wouldn’t be so hard or so bad

Holidays are surely the worst time of year

Cuz I don’t have a family to hold back my fear

Fear of a life spent completely alone

Worthless and joyless and dying unknown

There is simply one Christmas wish that I’ll make

To sleep just one night where I dream and not ache

Friday, December 4, 2009

The 10th Day of Christmas


It is five in the morning—like every other day

The same bed, same form, same things to say

Until I remember we are nearing a new year

Could today be the day? We might break out the beer

Passing the calendar, a glance is all I need

Just a little hope so my heart will not bleed

Maybe a phone call or letter to mom

Anything but thinking of guns or a bomb

Maybe the captain will put up a tree

Anything festive so everyone will see

It’s time to remember what we’re fighting for

All the many reasons why we go to war

And know America isn’t the only one

To give to her people, and sacrifice a son

Tis the season to give, and give up your life

If only for protecting and loving your wife

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The 11th Day of Christmas

A Man Alone
The alarm went off and I forced myself up

I showered and dressed and poured coffee in my cup

There’s no worse feeling than waking all alone

No plans for Christmas is all that I own

I thought I had work, and went in at ten

I’ll maybe wear red and then visit Big Ben

England could be that place I call home

But not when my family’s buried in Rome

Tis the inevitable season to be reminded of pain

Contemplating the meaning of life once again

That night, without care, I just walked around town

And passed a small church that lifted my frown

How could I forget something special like this?

The baby, the shepherds are filled with God’s bliss

Something inside me said, “Cheer up, don’t pout”

This is what Christmas is truly about

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The 12th Day of Christmas

Another Child

I woke up and ran to our big Christmas tree

And under it found a note just for me

As I opened it I heard someone try not to cry

And after I read it I wanted to die

It read, “Son I love you, but I have to go”

He calls this love? God, what does he know?

Fathers are supposed to be there when you fall

A few steps away, not a visit or call

The tears in my eyes cloud this clear starry night

Thinking why would God come to a world without light

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The 13th Day of Christmas

The Child

They told me to stay in bed one more hour

I don’t think I can, I don’t have the power

How can they sleep on a day like today?

Christmas has come, what else can I say?

With presents and eggnog, pajamas still on

Getting warm by the fire with a soft Christmas song

My mom and my dad huddled up hand in hand

Both smiling at me like they bought something grand

After the presents, the kisses and hugs

We all watched a movie with hot cocoa mugs

We laughed and we cried, quoting all the best parts

Making memories that always will last in our hearts

Then dad read a story from the Bible at night

He said someone special was born Christmas night

When he tucked me in bed and wrapped me up tight

We smiled at each other as he turned off the light

Sunday, November 29, 2009

For Your Information...

In December I'm going to be daily releasing stanza's from my poem 25 Days Of Christmas. As you may have guessed, i will start Dec 1, 2009, and finish on Dec 25, 2009.

Please feel free to relate to what is written, comment as much as you can, add suggestions or ideas as the poem progresses, make requests, or anything else you can think of.

If you can, try and read daily and i will try and post daily. If everything meets my goals and aspirations, this might be my best poem ever.

To give you a little preview, the poem is about what Christmas is really about. Original, i know, but it's still going to be hard to properly communicate what i want. Wish me luck world!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Winter Park

See a spark

Track and tree

In the dark

Feeling free

Secret spots

Much to see

Nothing rots

Keep the old

And the aughts

All are told

Leave a mark

Joyful gold

Haste to hark

Winter Park

Friday, November 13, 2009

Car Thoughts


- I came up with that on Goldenrod

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ma Musica

I'm not really sure why i care, but i pay a lot of attention to how many times i listen to songs (aka: their Play Count on iTunes). So i'm often checking my Top25 list to make sure that the proper songs are climbing the list to accurately reflect my favorite songs. At this point in my iTunes' life, songs have been played enough times to make it difficult for songs to climb the list, especially if i still like the songs that are at the top. However, i do listen to music in phases, so my top 25 is mixed up every so often. In the last month, my two most recent discoveries (i'm not crediting myself to finding them, but liking them) are Between the Trees, and Owl City, specifically the albums Spain (Between the Trees) and Ocean Eyes (Owl City).

My iTunes Top25 list:
  1. Lisa Marie - Artist Vs Poet
  2. Fireflies - Owl City
  3. Loser - Cute Is What We Aim For
  4. Changed By You - Between The Trees
  5. The Curse of Curves - Cute Is What We Aim For
  6. Runaway - Artist Vs Poet
  7. I Must Be Dreaming - The Maine
  8. About A Girl - The Academy Is
  9. Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls (Ft. Taylor Swift)
  10. Electric Hearts - Cash Cash
  11. Spain - Between The Trees
  12. Into Your Arms - The Maine
  13. Meteor Shower - Owl City
  14. Heartbeat! - Stereo Skyline
  15. Breathe - Taylor Swift
  16. We Can Try - Between The Trees
  17. Miss You - Between The Trees
  18. On The Wing - Owl City
  19. Dakota - A Rocket To The Moon
  20. You're Not Sorry - Taylor Swift
  21. Stay Beautiful - Taylor Swift
  22. Party In Your Bedroom - Cash Cash
  23. Count 'Em One, Two, Three - The Maine
  24. I'm So Paid - Akon (Ft. Lil' Wayne and Young Jeezy)
  25. I Wanna Love You (Cover) - The Maine
However... this list doesn't include stuff that i've listened to all my life before this version of my iTunes. For example
  • Copeland (Beneath Medicine Tree)
  • Yellowcard (Ocean Avenue)
  • Emery (The Question, I'm Only A Man)
  • Relient K (ALL, esp the Christmas Album)
  • Rookie Of The Year (The Goodnight Year)
  • Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory, Meteora)
  • Josh Groban & Michael Buble

Friday, November 6, 2009


James is one of those guys that makes you say, "boy am i lucky to know him." He and his fellow city-citizen Thomas were my best buddies up at NGU, and i miss him to point of considering moving back up to NGU so i can spend a few more years of life with him. I wrote this poem on the second day on the job at the bowling alley as the summer was starting and my freshman year was fresh on my mind. [James, if you're reading this, know that i am planning on coming up and visiting you in the spring... so clear one weekend. iLOVE you bro!]


James was the best friend a guy could ask for

We met in college early and he never was a bore

Us and Thomas too, we were three musketeers

Friendships, hopefully, that I’ll keep throughout the years

But James was the spiritual leader of us

He never complained, never made a fuss

He kept us together by wisdom of life

And with that wisdom he’ll find a great wife

James was a runner in more ways than one

Both life and cross-country, he never was done

He always pushed himself as far as he could

Training day after day and living for the good

A great competitor, always passing the test

For at being a friend, James was the best.

That's James (I'm in the background). We are
in the middle of pulling the prank of the year.

Stella!!! Who would've thought newspapers could
get all over your hands (that's Thomas and his hand).

This is at an NGU game after James's cross-country race.
He got 1st!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life (Here and There)

Here and there

Scent and sight

It’s not fair

Black and white

Looking back

Fall or fight

Find a crack

Take a chance

Pin a tack

Do a dance

Love and care

Shirts and pants

Breathing air

But to dare

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Prelude to Space

An Epithaliamium

So Man, grown vigorous now,
Holds himself ripe to breed,
Daily devises how
To ejaculate his seed
And boldly fertilize
The black womb of the unconsenting skies.

Some now alive expect
(I am told) to see the large,
Steel member grow erect,
Turgid with the fierce charge
Of our whole planet's skill,
Courage, wealth, knowledge, concentrated will,

Straining with lust to stamp
Our likeness on the abyss-
Bombs, gallows, Belsen camp,
Pox, polio, Thais' kiss
Or Judas, Moloch's fires
And Torquemada's (sons resemble sires).

Shall we, when the grim shape
Roars upward, dance and sing?
Yes: if we honour rape,
If we take pride to Ring
So bountifully on space
The sperm of our long woes, our large disgrace.

- C.S. Lewis

After reading Into the Silent Planet, and now Prelude to Space, i think i have a bit more perspective on how C.S Lewis is portraying space. Lewis describes space as being full of light, not darkness. Since we only see "space" at night, when we are looking away from the sun, we see darkness. But once you get outside our planet, it all becomes light. Then Lewis associates this bright space with goodness, innocence, and purity. It is obvious from the book that humans are bent, and that other creatures are not. In this poem, Lewis equates man's venture into the depths of space with bringing the sin of our world--war, disease, concentration camps, lust, rape, and murder--out into the purity of the unknown. I appreciate how Lewis implies that if there is life outside our planet, we should leave then untainted... unbent.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meteor Shower



Due to my recent liking of Adam Young's music Owl City, i have come to be fond a few songs. My 3 favorite happen to appear in order on his newest album Ocean Eyes:
"On the Wing"
My favorite of these three is "Meteor Shower". It is short and sweet. It is beautiful. I don't know how it couldn't be about God. Both the words and sounds reflect a heart of adoration for God... it is unmistakable.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finding God

I know You're watching me
I know You're waiting for me
To come and give You my time
I know of all You can do
And i know all You went through
But sometimes it's easier to hide

You've given me so much in life
I know it's all gonna be alright
But it's hard to keep out of sight
Certain pleasures, certain wants
Specific things the devil flaunts
In front of me - sometime i bite

I know, but sometimes don't believe
Certain things my eyes can't see
Like who i am and what i mean
What i fear and what i dream
What You say and what You said
Every letter colored red

Sometimes i just believe in me
What i can do, what i can see
My mind, my hands, my moral way
I think i know just what to say

But there and then
(The lion's den)
Do i begin
To see my sin
I hope and pray
I'll find the way
By Your Word
By a song
You whisper to me "you belong"
I can smile as i sleep
Because Your love has struck me deep

Now i can breathe out
Unbinding, unwinding
You Are the ONLY ONE worth finding

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"By Your Side"

Why are striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away

Why are you looking for love
Why are you searching as if i'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run

And i'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you

Look at these hands of mine
They swallowed the grave on that night
When i drank the world's sin
So i could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life

Cuz i, i love you
I want you to know
That i, i love you
I'll never let you go

I think these are some of most beautiful words i've ever read or sang. This has pointed me back to God countless times. If you've never heard the song ("By Your Side" - Tenth Avenue North), or you haven't listened to it recently, it wouldn't be a waste of your time to YouTube the song and give it a listen.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I finished Out of the Silent Planet a few days ago, and I got to experience the joy of finishing a book. I suppose I've read many books, but I definitely do not know that feeling very well. I, on the whole, am not a very disciplined reader; so whenever I finish a book, I feel very satisfied. I have already shared one excerpt, but I'd like to share another, this part being my favorite part of the whole book. Interestingly they both come from chapter 12.

The following comes from a discussion between Ransom (the main character) and Hyoi (a creature from another planet). They are discussing pleasure and when it is fully realized. Ransom, at first, argues that pleasure exists most fully it the moment itself. Hyoi argues...

"A pleasure is full grown only when it is remembered. You are speaking [man] as if the pleasure were one thing and the memory another. It is all one thing... what you call remembering is the last part of the pleasure. When you and I met, the meeting was over very shortly, it was nothing. Now is it growing something as we remember it. But still we know very little about it. What it will be when I remember it as I lie down to die, what it makes in me all my days till then - that is the real meeting. The other is only the beginning of it. You say you have poets in your world. Do they not teach you this?"

According to the book, the human world has become bent. This must be one of the many ways in which that is true. Our poets do not only not teach what Hyoi was talking about, but they teach the exact opposite: that we must seize the pleasure of the moment while we can as much as we can.

Closing thought: the world would probably be a better place if we listened to someone who is out of this world.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Crazy About You

The idea that man is fallen is not a new concept by any means, but it is good to reminded of it if only to be reminded of how man is lifted up: by the grace of God. Isaac Hunter, pastor of Summit Church, puts it this way -
"God is crazy about you"

I love that description specifically because it reminds me that God is actively pursuing to improve His relationship with me... even though i don't deserve Him.

I'm reading C.S. Lewis' book Out of the Silent Planet. Without giving away too much, when the creatures from a different planet learn about the wickedness of earth's man, they (and so consequently C.S. Lewis) put it this way -

"There must be rule, yet how can creatures rule themselves? ... They are like one trying to lift himself by his own hair - or one trying to see over a whole country when he is on a level with it - like a female trying to beget young by herself."

This is a very poetic and fresh way of thinking of the hopelessness of man. We need someone to lift us up on their shoulders so we can see past ourselves and know what life is all about. For us humans here on earth, that someone already has come - His name is Jesus, and He is crazy about you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


One of my favorite times of year is autumn. When the leaves change colors and then fall off the trees... when the hoodies come out... when the weather outside at high noon is so nice, you can't help but do something outside, even if its just sitting and smelling the air. There is also the feel of college football on Saturdays and the anticipation of Christmas to warm the soul. Sadly, though, i don't think that time of year visits Orlando except on rare occasions, which destroys part of the joy of waking up and knowing that because it is so beautiful outside, it is very hard to have bad day.

The background of this picture is an example of why i loved NGU so much.

About this time last year i wrote a poem during my psychology class at NGU (a class which served as a great place to spend time writing). This is a poem that is an example of how some of my thoughts are short and sweet. I appreciate the longer poems by the greats of poetry, but there is something to be said about not saying too much on a subject. I'd explain in more detail, but i think that would defeat the purpose.


The morning and the mist arise

I see my breath to my surprise

Both cool and windy are the skies

I love the falling autumn leaves

With warmer clothes and longer sleeves

The scent of life and joyous eves

A thankful day is rising in

For Christmas tide will soon begin

The wrong will die and right will win

Monday, October 5, 2009


This is the second lap, so how much more?

My opportunity is great, my disposition poor.

As I came around the bend, I sprinted ahead

And I’m alone again—so I’ve been lead.

But someone whispers, “I’m running with you now,”

My legs give up, I get faster, and I know how.

I do get tired of moving so fast all the time,

Like I’ve reached the Everest top with more to climb.

When does it end? When does it stop?

When can I rest and eat my own crop?

When will the seasons stop changing to frost?

When will I finally stop feeling so lost?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Bowling Alley

I don't bowl at a bowling alley, i work at a bowling alley. While the job may appear to be the easiest job in the world... and sometimes it is... there is really alot that goes on.

A normal day start around 10 or 11 as i pick up the trash in the parking lot that the drunk people the night before left lying around (half the attraction of the bowling alley is the bar). Then (on Saturdays like today) the Jr League starts. The Jr. League is a bowling league for children, and it ususally consists of 2-4 kids. I believe it is justifiably the lamest league that has ever existed. Today, the 6th week of the league, my boss called me and told me i had a letter from the USBA (United States Bowling Association). This letter was actually addressed to the Junior League Director, who turned out to be me. So what does being the Junior League Director mean? Basically if something random goes wrong, i get blamed... and nothing else really.

After our two junior bowlers left around 12, we were pretty slow until about 3pm. I wisely used that time to watch college football. Each lane has a nice flat screen, and i am able to watch all the games televised (on BrightHouse anywho) at once. However BrightHouse does not get the BigTen Network, which was airing the Michigan vs. Michigan State game. It is usually a good game, and this year didn't disappoint. But sadly MSU escaped a good Michigan comeback to win in OT 26-20. Props to MSU... even though they were favored to the win the game.

At 3pm, the birthday party arrived, and this is where the difference between simply working at the bowling alley and running the bowling alley shows. Dealing with a party is challenging enough... but balencing it with problems in the kitchen and machinery malfunctioning can be stressful and tiresome to say the least. Today we were short a cook (our only cook), and somehow lane 5's speaker was linked with lane 13's speaker, so both lanes could hear everything the other lane bowlers were saying... which was a wierd problem. But things settled down once the cook arrived and I solved the mysterious speaker problem.

It was a long day, but eventually 5:30 came and i was relieved of my duties after wrapping up the bar shift.

To recap: MSU beat Mich, i had to deal with underage drinkers, and the birthday party went well. Just another day at the bowling alley.

Now I know what you (the reader) are thinking: "That was a pretty boring story." How do I know that? It was my mom's repsonse every day this summer when she would ask what the most interesting part of my day was, and i would tell her something along the lines of the above.

I'm sorry... but it's the only story i have to tell today.

Maybe we'll both get lucky and tomorrow will be funny and exciting.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Big Decision

Some things, for sure, we can’t be sure about

While some things we know, and know without a doubt

So what do we do when we’re given a choice

And we cannot hear the sound of our voice?

We don’t know what we want

We don’t know what we need

We don’t know if we’ll end up trapped or free

We don’t know which future will end up real

We don’t know how that special someone will feel

Our lives are marked by the choices we make

We do what we can and accept our fate

Yes, we must move on as we hope and pray

That we made the right choice at the end of the day