Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finding God

I know You're watching me
I know You're waiting for me
To come and give You my time
I know of all You can do
And i know all You went through
But sometimes it's easier to hide

You've given me so much in life
I know it's all gonna be alright
But it's hard to keep out of sight
Certain pleasures, certain wants
Specific things the devil flaunts
In front of me - sometime i bite

I know, but sometimes don't believe
Certain things my eyes can't see
Like who i am and what i mean
What i fear and what i dream
What You say and what You said
Every letter colored red

Sometimes i just believe in me
What i can do, what i can see
My mind, my hands, my moral way
I think i know just what to say

But there and then
(The lion's den)
Do i begin
To see my sin
I hope and pray
I'll find the way
By Your Word
By a song
You whisper to me "you belong"
I can smile as i sleep
Because Your love has struck me deep

Now i can breathe out
Unbinding, unwinding
You Are the ONLY ONE worth finding

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