Wednesday, October 7, 2009


One of my favorite times of year is autumn. When the leaves change colors and then fall off the trees... when the hoodies come out... when the weather outside at high noon is so nice, you can't help but do something outside, even if its just sitting and smelling the air. There is also the feel of college football on Saturdays and the anticipation of Christmas to warm the soul. Sadly, though, i don't think that time of year visits Orlando except on rare occasions, which destroys part of the joy of waking up and knowing that because it is so beautiful outside, it is very hard to have bad day.

The background of this picture is an example of why i loved NGU so much.

About this time last year i wrote a poem during my psychology class at NGU (a class which served as a great place to spend time writing). This is a poem that is an example of how some of my thoughts are short and sweet. I appreciate the longer poems by the greats of poetry, but there is something to be said about not saying too much on a subject. I'd explain in more detail, but i think that would defeat the purpose.


The morning and the mist arise

I see my breath to my surprise

Both cool and windy are the skies

I love the falling autumn leaves

With warmer clothes and longer sleeves

The scent of life and joyous eves

A thankful day is rising in

For Christmas tide will soon begin

The wrong will die and right will win

1 comment:

  1. No matter how many muffins and cakes and breads and butters I make with pumpkin, it's still 93 degrees outside. =/ But I love the fall.
