Sunday, December 6, 2009

The 8th Day of Christmas

The Grandfather

The 25th has come, again Christmas is here

I think it has come much sooner this year

But each year that passes seems a little bit more

Quicker and shorter than each year before

My children have children who cannot deny

That one night a year reindeer fly in the sky

They think that a man named Santa can see

Whether or not they act good or badly

So they put out milk and cookies by the fireplace

And I grow out a long white beard just in case

I’ve practiced my “shhh” and my “ho, ho, ho”

If they wake up, there’s no way they’ll know

Life is so short, they’ll grow up before long

And to put out their imagination would be wrong

It’s healthy for kids to be kids when they’re young

They will sing better songs once the first ones are sung

1 comment:

  1. I love the last line.
    Lately, while babysitting, I've been thinking a lot about how sad it is that so many kids don't even know how to use their imaginations anymore.
