Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 6th Day of Christmas

The Traveler

Hi, my name is Traveler, and I need a place to rest

I’ve been walking through the snow for a month now at best

If you would share a blanket and something warm to drink

I can share my story: how I’ve made it from the brink

I left my home 2 years ago, but to my own dismay

My home is now the songs of all my stories I can play

I write a bit as well, merely words strung on a page

It brings a kind of comfort that I’ll keep to my old age

I travel all alone… but memory is not good company

I’m just a simple melody waiting for a harmony

The world keeps getting colder, but I keep the warmth inside

I have friend, to keep me warm, who suffered and then died

Also, could you let me know what day it is today?

Each day since the day I left has been one and the same

I can’t keep track of time, and I don’t know where I am

All that is familiar is from pictures of this land

But you now are a part of my story—of my life

A tool God has used to bring me further from my strife

Forever I will keep you in my memory and heart

And as I leave, I consider now a brand new start