Friday, December 25, 2009

The 1st Day of Christmas


I want to bring Peace, Joy, and love

I see all that happens from heaven above

I see all your sufferings; I see all your pain

But I see when your life has been saved you complain

Yes, you’ve been lied to, tricked and deceived

But you won’t obey and refuse to believe

I keep all my promises, do what I’ve said

But given some time you treat me like I’m dead

I love you more than you can understand

Which is why I’m acting out what I have planned

You need a savior to pay for your crime

Or you will be suffering pain for all time

I love you too much to watch that fate pervade

So I hope you can recognize my One Crusade

The Knight that I’m sending refuses to lose

And He’s coming to give pure evil its dues

Confess and believe and you will be saved

From this world of pain: lost and depraved

I want you to see all the love I can bring

So I wrote this great song for the whole world to sing

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me

His only Son as a baby


  1. I love that each stanza has dealt with struggling people, the brokeness of humanity. And now Christ--born in blood to die in blood--to save us from all this brokennes. Nothing is more beautiful than that: redemption.

  2. Beautiful, again. You are truly gifted; and I love this

  3. I like this very much. Its a lovely finish to an enjoyable series.
