Friday, November 6, 2009


James is one of those guys that makes you say, "boy am i lucky to know him." He and his fellow city-citizen Thomas were my best buddies up at NGU, and i miss him to point of considering moving back up to NGU so i can spend a few more years of life with him. I wrote this poem on the second day on the job at the bowling alley as the summer was starting and my freshman year was fresh on my mind. [James, if you're reading this, know that i am planning on coming up and visiting you in the spring... so clear one weekend. iLOVE you bro!]


James was the best friend a guy could ask for

We met in college early and he never was a bore

Us and Thomas too, we were three musketeers

Friendships, hopefully, that I’ll keep throughout the years

But James was the spiritual leader of us

He never complained, never made a fuss

He kept us together by wisdom of life

And with that wisdom he’ll find a great wife

James was a runner in more ways than one

Both life and cross-country, he never was done

He always pushed himself as far as he could

Training day after day and living for the good

A great competitor, always passing the test

For at being a friend, James was the best.

That's James (I'm in the background). We are
in the middle of pulling the prank of the year.

Stella!!! Who would've thought newspapers could
get all over your hands (that's Thomas and his hand).

This is at an NGU game after James's cross-country race.
He got 1st!

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