Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Apology

So i have some explaining to do.

I decided to change my poem from The 25 Day of Christmas to The 13 Days of Christmas. Why? A few reasons:

1. I wanted to finish this poem with the 1st Day of Christmas actually being released on Christmas Day, and at the rate i was going, that would not have happened.

2. The only reason i picked the number 25 was because i started Dec 1, and i was hoping to write one a day. I failed.

3. [All is not lost.] The meaning of the poem is wrapped up in the last stanza, which i will let you unwrap Christmas Day. Call it a present from me to you.

So until Christmas...

1 comment:

  1. It's Christmas in 3 minutes. I'll be sitting here. Waiting. That last stanza better show up at exactly 12 o'clock.
