Monday, December 21, 2009

The 3rd Day of Christmas

The Widow

My thoughts still dwell in the past

Feelings that can’t help but last

I’m no longer fully myself

And it’s slowly draining my health

He died but six years ago

And left me cold as the snow

God gave us two kids before

He took the father and more

He was my very best friend

Who vowed to be there till the end

Christmas just can’t be the same

And I’ve only myself to blame

This hurt just won’t go away

I don’t have enough words to say

I miss the sparkle in your eyes

I miss how you could clear the sky with your smile

I miss when you were by side

I’m missing all you tonight

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one. It seems that there are many widows this Christmas; so many fathers have died.
