Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The 2nd Day of Christmas

The Rotten Child

Give me the world, all of it

If you don’t I’ll throw a fit

I’ll run around and I won’t sit

And I won’t even care a bit

I know I got a lot last year

But I need more now, listen here

It’s affordable with your career

I am someone you must fear

I can easily ruin your life

Make you divorce your second wife

Give you endless grief and strife

Kidnap the maid with a pocket knife

So pack my stocking good and tight

And let me stay up ‘til midnight

Remember that I am always right

Make me happy. Now get out of sight


  1. BAhahaha! This is so terribly fun and so scarily true!

  2. Such a good picture of kids these days... sad, isn't it? But who taught that mentality to them? They didn't learn it themselves.
