Friday, March 26, 2010

To My Knowledge...

So i just finished the epistemology part of my philosophy class.

Two main thoughts
  1. Rationalism - we gain knowledge from reason
  2. Empiricism - we gain knowledge from sense experience
After reading about the leaders in these fields, i lean towards empiricism. However, i don't think we are born with a tabula rasa [blank slate]. I think we are born with some innate ideas that guide our humanity. So I'm not an extremest for either side.

But what about knowledge from Divine revelation from God? Would that fall under experience? I feel like it should have its own catagory. I'm sure i'm not the first to think about this, so i wonder what that philosophy is called - knowledge from God...

... Revelationism?

Maybe people haven't used this because the "knowledge" we have from God isn't "certain".

However, I've always considered God's revelatation [His Word] to be the most reliable source of knowledge in the universe.


  1. I have always leaned towards empiricism myself.

    And I think the term "Revelationsism" might fit fairly well.

  2. Its interesting that you bring certainty into the discussion about Revelationsism. It is difficult for me to feel certain about what I feel that God is leading me to do. But it would make sense that that kind of knowledge is just as sure as what we learn from our reason, or from our senses. Although, I kind of think that maybe revelation is not a third kind of knowledge, but a combination of the first two. God gave us reason, and he gave us our senses. Revelation is simply us using what God gave us to realize what his will is. Thats my two cents worth.
