Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Philosophers According to Wikipedia

Philosophy as a profession doesn't really exist. I'm taking an Intro to Philosophy class, and i was interested in what each philosopher really does / did for his/her career. So i looked up on wikipedia what each person is known for first, and this is what i found.

Saint Anselm "The Ontological Argument" - monk
Saint Thomas Aquinas "Whether God Exists" - priest
William Paley "The Teleological Argument" - British Christian apologist
David Hume - "Why Does God Let People Suffer" - Scottish philosopher
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Russian writer
Soren Kierkegaard "The Leap of Faith and the Limits of Reason" - Danish philosopher
William James "The Will to Believe" - American psychologist
John Wisdom "Gods" - British philosopher
Plato "Myth of the Cave" - Classical greek philosopher
Rene Descartes "Meditation" - French philosopher
Lewis Carroll "Through the Looking Glass" - English author
Bertrand Russell "Appearance and Reality - British philosopher
John Locke "Where Our Ideas Come From" - English philosopher
George Berkeley "To Be is To Be Perceived" - Anglo-Irish philosopher
Lorraine Code "What Can She Know" - (not on wikipedia)
Jonathan Swift "Getting Rid of Words" - Anglo-Irish satirist
Ludwig Wittgenstein "Meaning as Use" - Austrian-British philospher
Benjamin Whorf "Language, Thought and Reality" - American linguist
Steven Pinker "The Language Instinct" - Canadian-American psychologist
Stephanie Ross "How Words Hurt" - (not on wikipedia)
Epicurus "The Pursuit of Pleasure" - Ancient Greek philosopher
Confucius "The Analects" - Chinese thinker
Aristotle "Happiness and The Good Life" - Greek philosopher
Immanuel Kant "Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals" - German philosopher
John Stuart Mill "Utilitarianism" - English philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche "The Natural History of Morals" - German philosopher
A.J. Ayer "Emotivism" - British philosopher
Claudia Card "One Feminist View of Ethics" - (not on wikipedia)
Bob Kane "Through the Moral Maze" - comic book artist
Baron d'Holbach "Are We Cogs in the Universe" - French-German author
John Hospers "Meaning and Free Will" - presidential candidate
Jean-Paul Sartre ""Freedom and Responsibility" - French philosopher
B.F. Skinner "Freedom and the Control of Men" - American psychologist

Hmm... 16/33 are actually philosophers (or at least known as philosophers according to wiki). Since i'm still officially a math major (and not a philosopher yet), i can reliably tell you that is just under 50%. Although i had originally wanted to research what their actual occupation was, i suppose using wiki's first vocation only tells us what they are knows for, and since philosophical writings are really cool, thats what alot of them are known for. I imagine the only real philosopher by vocation isn't on this list: Socrates. He didn't write anything down. He didn't make any cash. But then again, neither did Jesus. Hmmm...

It's good to be back on th'internet.

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