Sunday, September 12, 2010

Comtemplative Learning - (Smile)

This was a homework assignment i posted this evening in my Phil, Rel, and Environment class. I love the freedom i have in my given assignments.


I walked into a field next to my house. The ground was wet from the recent rain. I walked barefoot in circles for a while. I looked down and noticed something small jump across my foot. I thought about all the millions of creatures that live in that field. Some probably even die in that field. Some probably don't live much longer than a few days. How short compared to my life. Then i thought about how short my life is compared to God's, who created me and the earth, and created time. How small my life is compared to His. Yet He tells me that He formed me in my mother's womb and knows me by name. And He loves me so much that He died for me. That truth is still somewhat incomprehensible.

Then lighting flashed. I immediately thought about how cool it is. And how it gives light to the whole world (as far as I can see) for just a second. Yet the light makes known all the secrets of the dark. Truth is in the light. In the darkness is held fears, mainly of the unknown. I think the spiritual world is like this too. Often times I know the truth. But when i'm surrounded by spiritual darkness, it's easy to forget what the truth looks like. But then I see flashes of God that remind of the truth all around me. It's scary but comforting at the same time.


  1. You're right, this was worth reading. :)

  2. I am such a fan of this - I haven't read your blog in a while, but I always get chill bumps (from how good it all is) when I do (:
