Friday, September 24, 2010

In God's Hands

I was talking with a friend recently, and I mentioned to him that I am in God's hands. Obviously this doesn't mean a huge giant I call God is phyically grasping me as we speak. So what really do I mean?

The way i understand it i have surrendered to God's will in my life. I am not only letting Him direct me, but rather i've climbed up into his arms and He's carrying me to where He wants me to go.

The tricky thing about this is it means i have no control. But the beauty of it is that it means God is in complete control. The same God who created our solar system and every intricacy therein is also carrying me. He knows better than I.

But often times i'll get bogged down with guilt from my sin. What's happening there? I believe an analogy i learned this summer describes it perfectly. Satan is called the accuser. One of his main gimmicks is telling us Christians we aren't good enough for God, and that we need to work harder. He injects guilt when we don't do this. This is like Satan putting a treadmill next to me as God is carrying me. Believing Satan's lie is like getting on the treadmill and try and run to where God is taking me. Imagine how ridulous that would look like. Not only am i not going anywhere by my own effort, but it should be clear that i am going somewhere because is holding me. Before i know it i'm exhausted and discouraged because i can't see past the stupid treadmill.

Here is where God's grace comes back into the picture. Inevitably my hard work, running as fast as i can on the treadmill, is going to give out and i'm going to fall hard. It'll hurt for sure (if you've ever fallen off a treadmill you know what i mean), but i'll just fall right back into God's hands. All i need to do is see it and believe it, and go back to relying on God's strength to get me through this life.

As soon as i start relying on my ability to please God, i'm getting right back on the treadmill.

My only problem now is God's hands are so big and powerful that i can't see over them. I'm doing all i can to peer in between his fingers to see where He's taking me. That's the real adventure.

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