Saturday, February 27, 2010

Living With My Shoes On

This poem was inspired by Mollie Jones and a metaphor of hers.


Living With My Shoes On

Gardens surround the red brick path

And lead me to the charming red door

A welcome mat and flower pots

Implore me to want to see more

I step inside the homiest house

Looking over the loveliest lawn

The cozy couches calling my name

But I choose to keep my shoes on


The fireplace cracks and keeps me warm

The carpet is white, cozy, and soft

Chocolate served hot is cupped in my hand

As I hear music played in the loft

My hosts beg me to feel right at home

They’ve made it so I feel drawn

But respectfully I must decline

And I choose to keep my shoes on


They show me to their best guest room

They say “stay as long as you want”

A king size bed and flat screen TV

Thousands of books, from Plato to Kant

A room so tempting to say the least

Relaxing, it seems, as I yawn

But I say "no thanks" as I head for the door

Because I’m living with my shoes on

1 comment:

  1. Did you get to stay in the garden, since you were living with your shoes on?
