Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Image of the Invisible

We're more than carbon and chemicals
We are the image of the invisible
Free will is ours and we can't let go
We are the image of the invisible
We can't allow this, the quiet cull
We are the image of the invisible
So we sing out this, our canticle
We are the image of the invisible

We all were lost now we are found
No one can stop us or slow us down
We are the named and we are known
We know that we'll never walk alone

We're more than static and dial tone
We are the image of the invisible
We're emblematic of the unknown
We are the image of the invisible
So raise the banner, bend back your bows
We are the image of the invisible
Remove the cancer, take back your souls
We are the image of the invisible

We all were lost now we are found
No one can stop us or slow us down
We are the named and we are known
We know that we'll never walk alone

Though all the world may hate us, we are named
The shadow overtake us, we are known

Raise up the banner, bend back your bows
Remove the cancer, take back your souls

- Thrice

He is the image of the invisible God
The firstborn over all creation
For by him all things were created
Things in heaven and on earth
Visible and invisible
Whether thrones or powers or rulers and authorities
All things were created by him and for him
He is before all things
And in him all things hold together

- Col 1:15-17

So God created man in his own image
In the image of God he created him
Male and female he created them

- Gen 1:27


  1. Thrice. <3. Jesus. <3. Good post.

  2. I like the part "we are named and we are known"
    Sometimes I forget that through daily life.
