Monday, April 26, 2010

The Situation

The Situation: you are walking to class. you aren't quite late for class, but if you delayed for any reason, you might be. Then you see in the distance, walking your direction, that friend.

That friend: that friend is a person you remember their name, but only cuz it's a little weird--like a girl named sam or ryan, or a guy named tracy or lynn--and you don't have anything in common (that you know of), nor do you have any fun experience in the past to reminisce about.

Option 1: Look at the ground, at that cool tree to the right, or pretend you are on the phone... all in attempt to pretend that you don't see that person.

Option 2: Wait until you're right next to the person to notice it's them, so that you turn and walk backwards a little as you say hi... point behind you as if you're late for class, and turn and continue on your way.

Option 3: Follow their eyes till they notice you, stop in front of them and say hello, as if to imply you'd like to make small talk for a minute or so. But here, you must be conversational.

Conversational: being conversational means coming up with something to talk about when there is really nothing to talk about. But silence is soooo awkward... too awkward... hence the tool "conversation" is used. Some call this "small talk". They call it small because it is weak, shallow, and unnecessary. Touted as an important life skill, being conversational can do anything from lead you into a great conversation (that could eventually lead to a gr3at friendship) to immediately turning you off to someone's good graces (making a bad impression and possibly causing a continual awkward acquaintance).

Awkward Acquaintance: Exa. [The following is an example of something that actually happened to me] ... [actually, i'm not going to post this story because it is so recent, and this person is soooo awkward, that they might actually read this due to their stalking personality and approach me about it, only leading to yet another situation.]


  1. BAhaha. Oh Christopher. And does this mean that you considered me paid? ;)

  2. HAHAHAHAHA I know who your awkward acquaintance is. And man is it an awkward one all right. They probably will read this, so good call on keeping it anonymous.

  3. Wow dude, stalkers are not fun. At least its only one.
