Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Simple Scent

A Simple Scent

Isn’t it amazing how just a simple scent

Can bring back vivid memories and everything they meant

Each time I wash my hands with that certain soap

Reminds me of the days when all I had was hope

Days of feeling nervous as I came around the bend

Of roads that were brand new to me and yet tried to pretend

Or wind before the winter when I’m outside to compete

It brings me back my childhood when staying up was a treat

I grew up on the cul-de-sac with my older brothers too

When dreaming in the woods or playing sports was all we knew

Now I wake up and it's time to eat my family shouts

I stroll into the kitchen smelling breakfast all abouts

I sit down to the table of the present and the past

For the closest of relationships are those that always last

And the time spent with each other is like one long holiday

Connected by the smells of both good times and company

Isn’t it amazing how just a simple scent

Can bring back vivid memories and everything they meant

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this and recalling my own memories connected with different scents. I always remember springtime up north having this distinct smell. All the kids in the neighborhood would go out and climb the trees and pick the weed flowers, and it had this distinct scent that I am occasionally reminded of by a passing breeze. It always makes me feel like my five year old self again.
